Discover the next generation:
DriFlow X

DriFlow™ – the new standard for the application of dry friction reducers.

Improved performance and lower cost, that’s the DriFlow™ Difference!

Simul-frac operations? We’ve got you covered.

DCS DriFlow™

DCS’s DriFlow™ chemical delivery system represents a step change in the application of friction reducers during fracturing operations. Utilizing patented, state-of-the-art technology to administer dry polyacrylamide at the well site, DriFlow™ has positioned itself as the most effective and advanced chemical delivery system on the market. With the ability to perform in all water conditions and basins, DriFlow™ delivers the following key benefits:

  • Reduces chemical spend by up to 25%
  • Significant environmental and sustainability benefits
  • Improved safety risk profile
Driflow Friction Reducers Chemical Delivery Truck
Driflow  Friction Reducers Machine


The most reliable and advanced stimulation chemical delivery system on the market.

Contact us to learn more about how you can:

  • Reduce your chemical-related last-mile CO2 emissions by 73%
  • Reduce the number of last mile trips to location by 76%

Supply chain impact as of September 2022…

lbs of CO2 removed

4.0 m

lbs of carbon removed (emulsion elimination)

81.6 m

trip miles saved

895 k

trips saved

4.7 k


Reduction in last mile trucking


Reduction in CO2 emissions as a result of last mile trucking


Removal of unnecessary carbon from emulsion oil

Stimulation Chemistries

DCS specializes in basin centric completion chemicals that are selected and developed from an application perspective. With an intimate understanding of the entire hydraulic fracturing operation, DCS is able to apply its application expertise to all product development initiatives. The result is superior performance and lower total associated cost.

Nsight Technology


Increased transparency and insight to your chemical performance & spend through our client portal: DCS nSight.

Dcs Nsight Dashboard

Let our AI-driven usage prediction tool help you budget for your upcoming frac chemical spend.