The DriFlow™ ESG Advantage
The numbers don’t lie – let DCS’s DriFlow™ technology help you achieve your environmental and sustainability goals.
Supply chain impact as of September 2022…
lbs of CO2 removed
4.0 m
trip miles saved
895 k
trips saved
4.7 k
lbs of carbon removed (emulsion elimination)
81.6 m
The most reliable and advanced stimulation chemical delivery system on the market.
Contact us to learn more about how you can:
- Reduce your chemical-related last-mile CO2 emissions by 73%
- Reduce the number of last mile trips to location by 76%
Example Case Study
Frac Job Inputs
- 20 pumping hrs/day
- 100 bpm average rate
- 1 GPT slick-water FR loading
- 60 m last-mile distance
- 5040 GPD FR
Conventional Slick Water Case
- 9 trips/week
- Estimated 4,860 lb CO2 emissions/week
The DriFlow™ Advantage
With fewer than 2 trips per week, DriFlow™ can help reduce your last-mile emissions by 3,780 lbs, dropping your last-mile emissions to 1,080 lbs CO2!
Unlike emulsion FRs, Dry FR has no oil component…
With an estimated carbon content of 34% in conventional FRs, DriFlow™ can displace 108,000 lbs of unnecessary carbon per week!
All-Electric Equipment
Designed with the future in mind!
DCS’s Gen3.X units are designed with E-Fleets in mind. With a simple, plug-and-play fully electric design, DriFlow™ is ready to integrate with your E-Fleets power generation unit.