DriFlow X Dry Friction Reducers

Meet the unmanned dry FR delivery system. A smarter way to go dry.

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DriFlow X Service Offerings

Permian Dry FR Offering

DCS offers DriFlow X as a stand-alone, unmanned dry FR delivery system exclusively in the Permian basin. By eliminating the associated man power on a traditional DriFlow unit and reducing our footprint to a 7’ x 7’ skid, the DriFlow X series allows you to get behind the wheel (remotely) and fully integrate the DriFlow system with your frac operations. This revolutionary technology provides a simplified and robust option for service companies.

Dry Guar Offering

The DriFlow X unit provides a supplementary service as an add-on system to operations pumping DriVisc 1 (dry guar) in addition to DriFlow, eliminating the need for a second traditional DriFlow unit and maintaining DCS manpower on location.

Driflow X Dry Friction Reducers

A dry-add system like no other…


With a seamless frac fleet integration and high operating efficiency, the DFX unit provides substantial benefits to frac operations.

Operational considerations

Unit Placement

DFX must be within 8 ft for the blender tub to directly discharge into the tub.


Pumping Capability

DFX supports pumping a single dry chemical with no on-board ancillary chemical pumps.


  • DCS discharge rate is accounted for at the blender
  • Additional lubricity is provided to the blender
  • Reduced footprint on frac spread
  • Frac-operated equipment
  • Minimize NPT with equipment redundancies
Driflow X Skid & Trailer Layout

How Does it Work?

Eliminate intermediary flow loops to streamline FR delivery direct to the blender tub.

Sample Pad Layout

Sample Pad Layout

Basic Process Flow

DCS Basic Process Flow of DFX